Choosing the right PR Agency/Platform

There are many PR agencies and PR platforms to choose from. But which is the cheapest or most comprehensive? This handy overview will help you on your way.

| Presscloud editorial

You are now convinced of the importance of PR. But now: there are many PR agencies and PR platforms to choose from. The really big PR agencies handle everything. They can organize an event, approach relevant influencers, and actively call journalists. However, the costs for this are unaffordable for many companies. A cheaper alternative is PR platforms, with their own software tools. But which one is the cheapest or most comprehensive? This handy overview will help you on your way. 

Why use PR software at all?

Good question, with an even better answer: using PR software makes distributing press releases efficient and effective. The tools help companies distribute news to news organizations and journalists via various channels such as newspapers, websites, and media channels. With features such as (AI-)creating and editing press releases and targeted distribution, these tools ensure that your press releases reach the right audience. Moreover, they offer analytics and reporting, so you can measure and optimize the impact of your press releases.

In addition, a reliable press list is crucial for successful press releases. PR software helps you keep your email lists up-to-date and keep the bounce rate low, preventing your sending domain from being marked as 'spam'. 

Let's compare!

At Presscloud you will find all the PR tools you need, from AI-writing of press releases to AI-compiling press lists and analyzing campaign performance. This increases the efficiency, reach, and measurability of your PR efforts, leading to more media attention and success.

However, there might be better tools out there. For the sake of completeness, we include a classic PR agency in the comparison, but the focus for the rest is on the PR platforms Smart.PR, PR-dashboard, Prezly, and of course Presscloud. The comparison is based on the following factors:

  • Budget: the more €, the more expensive
  • Control: who holds the reins? The PR agency/platform or you?
  • AI press releases: does it offer the service of a reliable AI press release generator or do you need to do it yourself?
  • AI press lists: does it have a good AI journalist matcher or do you need to compile press lists yourself?
  • Own Newsroom: does it offer its own Newsroom: a digital business card of your company for journalists?
The overview of the comparison based on the established factors can be found below. Disclaimer: of course, it is subject to change, but at the time of writing, this is the most accurate overview. Choose wisely!

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Sebastiaan Smits

Head of Marketing at Orderchamp

"The PR software from Presscloud is easy to use and the PR tips are handy. Thanks to Presscloud, you have control over the success of your PR campaigns."
Thijs Janssen

Co-founder of Barqo

"Just one hour after we sent out the message via Presscloud, we were already called by Editie NL!"
Antoine Steenkamer

CEO of

"Presscloud taught me how to write a good press release. The tips and tricks from Presscloud really helped me to get the attention of the public!"

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