General Terms and Conditions Presscloud B.V.

These Terms and Conditions (the Terms) apply to any use of the Website (the Website) and all its subdomains. The Conditions also apply to all services that are additionally offered by us.

If you have a question about these terms and conditions or would like to contact us for any other reason, you can do so by sending an email to . Our affiliate program has separate Affiliate conditions .

The address of Presscloud B.V. is Van Boetzelaerstraat 49, 1051 CZ Amsterdam, with Chamber of Commerce number: 78154782.

  1. The Terms apply to anyone who uses the Website.
  2. We will send you the Conditions free of charge upon request. The Terms are also available on our website.
  3. We have the right to change the Conditions. You agree that the latest version of these Terms will always apply.
  4. Agreements that deviate from these Conditions are only valid if we have agreed these agreements with you in writing.
  5. If any part of the Terms is void or voidable, it will not change the validity of the rest of the Terms. The void or voided part is replaced by a provision that follows the content of the void provision as closely as possible.

  1. Subscriptions: the annual Products that Presscloud offers on the Platform for the provision of the Service;
  2. Account: the Account that you, as a User, create for your company during the onboarding on our Website;
  3. AI-Content: All press releases and other content generated by Presscloud's AI tool;
  4. Service: the Service of the Website is to provide a Platform where companies can use various tools to send targeted press releases to journalists and get featured in the media;
  5. User: the Users are both the companies that use the Platform and the journalists found in Presscloud's Platform;
  6. Agreement: if you, as a User, purchase a Subscription, we enter into an Agreement that applies mutually;
  7. Platform: the Presscloud Platform, designed for providing the Service;
  8. Product(s): both the Subscriptions and the One-time press releases are considered Presscloud Products;
  9. Terms: The General Terms and Conditions as set forth herein. These Terms apply to everyone who uses the Platform on the Website;
  10. Website: the Presscloud Website (, the host of the Platform

  1. The purpose of the Website is to provide a platform through which companies can use various tools to send targeted press releases to journalists and get into the media (the "Service").
  2. We are not a party to the agreements that users make among themselves. We are therefore not responsible for the agreements you make with other users.
  3. When you get into a conflict with another user, you have to resolve this conflict yourself.

  1. You may not use the Website in such a way that you violate Dutch or other applicable laws or regulations.
  2. You may not distribute the following through the Website:
    • Pornographic videos, images or other media with erotic content;
    • Texts or images that are offensive, racist, discriminatory or hateful;
    • Unsolicited advertising (spam);
    • False or misleading information; and
    • Viruses, malware, spyware, or other software intended to harm our computers or other users.
  3. You may not create an account under someone else's name or otherwise pretend to be someone else.
  4. You are obliged to keep the personal data obtained from other users secret and not to misuse this data.
  5. You may not approach other users for commercial purposes other than those for which the Website is intended.
  6. If you want to report a user who is abusing the Website, you can send a message to .

  1. We do our utmost to ensure that the Website is available.
  2. We do not guarantee that the Website will work flawlessly or will always be available. We are therefore not liable for damage suffered if the Website does not work or does not work safely.
  3. We are also not liable for damage caused by incorrect information on the Website.

  1. You must protect the login details of your account from others and keep your password secret. We may assume that everything that happens on or with your account is done by you or happens under your supervision.
  2. If you think or know that your account is being abused, you must report this to us as soon as possible. We will then take appropriate measures.

  1. Subscriptions are offered at a fixed monthly price. This fixed price differs based on the type of Subscription and the chosen billing frequency (yearly or monthly).
    1. If monthly billing is chosen, the amount of the Subscription will be automatically debited on a monthly basis.
    2. If annual billing is chosen, the amount of the Subscription must be paid in advance.
  2. Subscriptions are always for a year. After this year, the Subscription will automatically continue, unless it is canceled no later than the last day before the renewal.
  3. Subscriptions are debited through a SEPA direct debit. To authorize us to debit the amount via a SEPA direct debit, you can use one of the following payment methods: iDeal, credit card, KBC/CBC, Belfius Direct Net, and SOFORT Banking. If you choose to pay by credit card, you can use VISA, Maestro, MasterCard, American Express (AMEX), CartaSi, or Cartes Bancaires.
  4. A VAT rate of 21% applies to all our products (only for companies with a Dutch VAT number).

If we believe that you are violating the law or these terms and conditions, we may (partially) exclude you from the Service. We can also (partially) exclude you from the Service if you do not pay on time or not at all. For example, we can exclude you from the Service by:

  • deleting your account; and
  • blocking parts of the Service for you.

We are obliged to keep all your confidential information secret. The term 'confidential information' we understand all the information that you have indicated that this is confidential or which by the nature of the information flows. We will only release your personal data as referred to in the General Data Protection Regulation if we are legally obliged to do so.

We are under no obligation to assist in conflicts between journalists and companies.

We are not liable for:

  1. direct or indirect damage that you suffer by using our Website, regardless of whether the claim is based on a warranty scheme, agreements or any other legal principle;
  2. direct or indirect damage that you suffer due to (incorrect) information on the Website, regardless of whether that information comes from us or from third parties;
  3. damage resulting from errors made by third parties or resulting from the unavailability of the Website, for reasons beyond our control.

We protect your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information, you can consult our Privacy Policy.

By using the Website, you indemnify us against claims, claims and (damage) compensation from third parties. This limitation of liability does not exclude our liability in case of malicious intent or willful recklessness.

  1. You give us a license to use content you upload without restriction. This license is:
    • non-exclusive;
    • free of charge and duty;
    • transferable;
    • worldwide.
  2. This content can consist of company data, such as company name, description, and logo, communications and images in the Newsroom, as well as contact details that the User uploads to facilitate the sending of press releases.
  3. By uploading contact information, the User transfers all ownership rights of this data to Presscloud. Presscloud has the right to integrate this data into its general journalist database and can, at its sole discretion, determine how this data is used, shared, or exploited, provided this is done in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable privacy laws.
  4. Presscloud commits to protecting all personal contact information it obtains in accordance with its Privacy Policy and the GDPR. The responsibility to comply with privacy laws remains a priority when using, sharing, and storing this data.
  5. Users can request deletion or modification of their uploaded contact details if they demonstrate that the consent of the respective contact person has been withdrawn or the data is incorrect. Presscloud will make reasonable efforts to comply with such requests, within the limits of technical possibilities and legal requirements.
  6. By using the Website, you declare that:
    • you have (intellectual) property in information and media that you upload on the Website; or
    • are authorized to share and license the media or information you upload to us.
  7. You may not share, sell or exploit any content on the Website in any way.

  1. All AI Content remains fully owned by Presscloud until the user purchases a paid subscription from Presscloud;
  2. Users may use the AI Content for internal purposes and evaluation. Any external distribution or commercial use of the AI Content is strictly prohibited unless the user has purchased a paid Product (One-time press release or Subscription) that explicitly grants the right to use the AI Content for such purposes.
  3. Users are not allowed to sell, transfer, sublicense, distribute, or otherwise commercially exploit the AI Content without a valid paid Product;
  4. Presscloud retains all copyrights and moral rights regarding the AI Content, in accordance with applicable law. Users acknowledge that no ownership rights are transferred through the use of Presscloud's services, and that they do not claim any form of copyright or other intellectual property rights regarding the AI Content.
  5. Presscloud reserves the right to terminate a user's use of the AI Content and require the user to delete all copies of the AI Content if the user violates the Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to non-compliance with the provisions of this article.

If a dispute arises between you and us, Dutch law applies. In that case, the Amsterdam District Court is competent to rule on the dispute.