Sending press releases

You want to send out a press release to journalists yourself to make your brand more famous. But how do you do that? In this article we take you into the world of press releases. We give you many tips, such as the best time to send a press release, how to increase the chances of publication and how to send out a press release.

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5 Reasons Why You Should Still be Sending Press Releases

There are some really good reasons to send out a press release

  1. Posting press releases for linkbuilding; use PR as an SEO tool
  2. More authority in Google due to ‘brand mentions’; relevant links are good for your Google ranking
  3. Higher rankings in Google due to sending press releases; PR helps you climb in Google search results
  4. Using press releases for social media; You can post them there again
  5. Distribution of press releases is becoming easier thanks to tools like Presscloud

When do you send a press release?

One of the most common questions asked by companies that want to start their own PR is this: when do I send a press release to the editors? The answer is Monday or Tuesday. The earlier your message is shared in the newsweek, the greater the chance that the message will be published. The later you share a message in this week, the smaller the chance of publication.

The most extreme consequence of this law: a message sent by email at 16:00 on Friday usually results in a nil number of publications. Many PR agencies send messages on Monday morning or Tuesday.

The best timing for your press release

The best timing for sending a press release is therefore Monday or Tuesday.

How do editorial offices work?

It is useful to consider the dynamics in an editorial office. Journalists often consult with each other and/or their editor-in-chief before creating an extended article. This prevents the creation of duplicate documents and enables the editors to pursue an editorial course.

After you have shared a press release with a journalist, it is his or her duty to

  • Find the time to read the message. With more than 100 press releases per day, this is quite a load. (Therefore, a catchy title is important);
  • Reviewing the message;
  • Discussing the message with a colleague or during an editing meeting;
  • Finding the time to give you feedback.

If you send a message on Friday afternoon, there is simply no time left to discuss the message. If you send the message on Monday or Tuesday, there is the greatest chance that you will hear something the same week.

Tips for sending a press release

The following rules of thumb will help you on your way:

  • Do not send out a press release on Friday afternoon;
  • Do not send a message at the end of the day;
  • Draft a statement when a disaster occurs or when another predominant news story is unfolding (coronavirus is a good example);
  • Take advantage of the slow news period: the period when the news offer dries out (for example when it is summer holidays it is a good time to send press releases);
  • Contact a local newspaper or blog in due time. By contacting a 'sufferdje' (local newspaper or thrown-in paper) at least two weeks in advance, you are sure to be on time.

10 tips for sending a good press release

Before sending your press release, we have a few tips to help it succeed.

  • It is important to start your message with the news summarized in a clear core sentence so that the reader knows exactly what it is about.
  • Be critical about the press release: is this news really news?
  • Also think: who is this news relevant to? Do journalists often write about this news?
  • Filter journalists to whom you will send your press release based on topics. This way, the press release will reach the journalist who writes about this subject.
  • Do you want it to run smoothly? Use Presscloud, Presscloud will automatically and for free make sure the right article reaches the right journalists.
  • Be critical of your press list: a long press list is not always better than a short press list;
  • Another tip is to add the press release to the email itself instead of in the attachment. This keeps the steps the journalist has to take to read your press release limited.
  • Monitor the results, check who opens the message
  • Follow media if you think it really suits them, but don't be too compelling or stalker-like in your contact
  • Finally, it is important to write in a suitable and correct language and also to use language that the journalist understands, avoid jargon.

6 tips for reaching the masses with your press release

  1. Make sure you have real news at hand - be critical
  2. Make the press release personal (and dynamic)
  3. Have a relevant press list
  4. Contact relevant blogs and other websites
  5. Provide high quality image and audio material
  6. Use a good tool, like Presscloud

Sending a press release? These 4 things often go wrong

  • Avoid the word ‘press release’ in the subject line
  • Only use words and names that your reader knows
  • Keep the subject line short
  • Choose the right tone for the press release

Easily send press releases

By using Presscloud you can quickly and easily send press releases. The database of journalists from Presscloud makes sure that your press release reaches the right journalists and media. The news you want to share easily reaches your target audience through quality journalists.

The impact of your media efforts

A system is integrated into Presscloud that allows you to track the ROI of your press release immediately after sending. This makes it easy to see the results of your press release. You can see how often your press release was published, how much income it generated and in which media your message appeared. These insights allow you to continuously improve your press releases.

Integrated press release sending system

Presscloud also offers a tool for you to send and write your press release through Presscloud and reach the journalists of your choosing.

  • Broadcast your press releases and get attention for your news.
  • Spread your news among the Dutch media.
  • Directly send your news to the right journalists.
  • Add people to your press lists yourself.
  • Send your press release quickly.

Presscloud provides the possibility to publish your press releases on the major news sites. Presscloud's journalist database consists of more than 5000 journalists, all categorized. You can select to which journalists your press release will be sent to by creating a press list of journalists from our database.

Increase the chance of publication

Having difficulty writing press releases or want your press release to be checked once more by an expert? These are services offered in Presscloud that increases the chances of your press release being handled in the right media and reaching out wider!

Writing press releases for extra publicity?

Where companies now focus their content marketing strategy primarily on social media, press releases can’t be forgotten. Sending a press release takes time, but it’s worth it when the message is picked up in the media.

Checklist: How to send a press release?

Briefly, how to send a press release?

  • Create a press list
  • Customize where possible
  • Go for your niche!
  • Engage your network
  • Actually send
  • Paste the text into your mail

How do you get your press release in the right place?

The structure of your press release is decisive for its success. However, writers often do not realize that it is just as important who receives your press release and whether it arrives in good hands. The following tips will ensure that sending your press release goes smoothly and reaches more news sites.

  1. Set up a press list, this list contains the contact details of all relevant journalists for your company. Try to include both journalists working for large editorial staffs as well as small ones.
  2. Use a well working tool to send your press release. This can easily and quickly be done via Presscloud.
  3. Use your existing contacts, your network, they often have access to journalists that you do not have access to.
  4. Find your target audience. It is often the goal to get your press release picked up by big news sites. If your target audience is focused on a different type of media such as Twitter, don't hesitate to try to reach them this way.
  5. Make it personal, is a certain journalist important for you or do you want to build a relationship? Customize your email as much as possible. The chance of a personalized email being opened is greater than a general email.
  6. Sometimes it is effective to look further than journalists and news sites. Check for example if there are blogs, forums or other websites that are relevant to your subject. This way you can spread the chances of publication!

Create Media List

You have written a press release and would like to send it. But where do you start? Making a media list takes a lot of time for many people. A tool that can make this easier for you is Presscloud. Presscloud consists of a large database consisting of quality journalists covering a particular subject. By using Presscloud your press release is quickly and easily sent to hundreds of journalists covering topics that your target audience reads.

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