How to make the most of achieved publicity

You have achieved publicity in relevant media. That's good news. But now what? These three tips will help you get started.

| Presscloud editorial

Congratulations! You've achieved publicity in relevant media. That's good news. But what now? These three tips will help you make the most of the attention you've received.

The beauty of publicity

First things first. What is so great about this earned publicity? Well, publications in external media offer several important advantages:

  • Expand your reach: you benefit from the wide audience of the media in which you are mentioned. Business Insider, for instance, has more readers than your own blog (we'll just assume this for now);
  • Build trust: when your company appears in the media, it is seen as more reliable and credible by the public, unlike the proverbial 'We from WC-Eend';
  • Viral potential: news articles are often shared on social media, increasing the chance of broader dissemination compared to advertisements.

Regular publicity is therefore important, we have established that. However, there is no reason to remain idle after a publication. Below you'll find tips to make the most of your generated publicity.

Tip 1: Share the news through your own channels

If you've achieved a publication, you want to share it with the world. After all, we shouted it from the rooftops ourselves when we were nominated three times for the PR100 2024. Use your company's channels for this sharing:

  • Social media: share the news on your company’s social media channels;
  • Newsletter: mention the publication in your newsletter, linking to the external medium;
  • Blog or website: post a message on your own blog or website talking about the publication and linking to the external medium. This way, you retain traffic to your own domain and don't lose visitors to external sites.
Tip 2: Utilize the channels of employees and colleagues

Employees and colleagues often have an organic reach on social media, such as LinkedIn. Encourage them, but don’t force them, to share the publication:

  • Sharing messages: ask them to share a message about the publication. This increases reach and boosts company morale.
  • Creative posts: encourage variety by having colleagues come up with their own message. Are they less creative? Provide some example texts.
Tip 3: Consider an advertising budget

Social media platforms offer opportunities to target specific audiences. Consider the following:

  • Advertising campaign: set up a campaign from the company page, especially on platforms such as LinkedIn that are suitable for professional audiences.
  • Three-step rocket: combine earned (PR, external publication), owned (post on your own site), and paid (advertising campaign). This offers:
    • Guaranteed reach: ads ensure a guaranteed reach.
    • Credibility: an external publication increases credibility.
    • Traffic to your own domain: this directs visitors to your own site, which can lead to conversions and activations.
In conclusion

These three tips will help you get more out of your publications. With these strategies, you ensure you extract maximum value from each publication and optimize your PR efforts. Presscloud is ready to support you, so your company can grow and flourish in the media.

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