The role of humor in PR

Humor can be a powerful tool in PR, attracting attention, building emotional connection and differentiating your brand. Find out how to use humor effectively for positive publicity.

| Presscloud editorial

Humor is a powerful tool in PR. It not only grabs attention but can also help relieve tensions and humanize your brand. By using humor appropriately, you can turn difficult situations around and generate positive publicity.

Why humor?
  1. Emotional connection: Humor can create an emotional bond with your audience, making your brand more approachable and likable.
  2. Better memory: People remember funny messages better than serious ones. This means your brand stays in the minds of your audience longer.
  3. Differentiation: Humor can set your brand apart from competitors, especially in industries where humor is less common.
The power of humor

Humor has a disruptive quality that captures people's attention and makes them pause. It can take various forms, such as situational, character-driven, or anecdotal humor. Extensive research shows that our ability to remember information increases by 53% when we find it amusing. The reason lies in our tendency to pay more attention to humor than straightforward informational content. When people encounter a message that makes them laugh, they see it as entertainment rather than an advertisement.

Examples of humor in PR
  1. Walmart: One of the earliest examples that comes to mind is when a 2014 New York Times (NYT) opinion piece criticized Walmart for issues including its low-wage structure. Walmart publicly responded with a fact-check blog post, correcting inaccuracies and highlighting positive company aspects. Importantly, they did not try to come across too seriously. The post went viral and was successful in using humor to defuse a negative story.

  2. KFC: Fast forward a few years. When a chicken shortage in the UK in 2018 led to the closure of many stores, KFC released a humorous ad with the letters "FCK" instead of "KFC," along with a public apology. This showed their humility, responsibility, and wit, which the public appreciated.

  3. HEMA: A more recent example is from HEMA in April 2024. Sausages were then in the spotlight of the media, leading to a true 'sausage scandal.' Reports claimed that HEMA's sausages contained smoke aroma. HEMA declared this untrue and responded with a beautifully humorous reaction.
Tips for using humor in PR

If you now view the use of humor in PR as a guaranteed success, it's important to add a small nuance. Write down the following tips next time you're working with humor in your PR.

  1. Know your audience: Understand what your target audience finds funny and tailor your humor to that.
  2. Be respectful: Avoid inappropriate jokes that could be perceived as offensive.
  3. Self-deprecation: Humor at your own expense can be effective without offending others.
  4. Stay relevant: Use current events as inspiration for your jokes but avoid sensitive topics like politics.

Humor can be a powerful tool in your PR strategy if used correctly. It can humanize your brand, increase engagement, and set you apart from the competition. At Presscloud, we are happy to help you use humor effectively in your PR strategy and elevate your brand to the next level.

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