You have written a press release, now what?

Writing a press release has worked, now you just need to get it to the media. We explain how that works.

| Presscloud editorial

You’ve just drafted a press release, likely following our 3 tips, and you're now ready to approach journalists. After all, you want the news about your company to be seen in the media. Here are the steps you need to take to achieve this.

Determine your target audience

When writing your press release, you’ve probably already thought about who your target audience is. This is crucial because you can use this information to select journalists and media outlets that reach your target audience. Start by gathering contact information of these journalists, unless you have an account with Presscloud, of course. In that case, we've already done that for you!

Compile a press list

An efficient way to distribute your press release is by using a press list. With Presscloud, you can easily compile a press list by selecting the media of your choice. You can do this based on the type of journalists, keywords, or media outlets. We then ensure that all the right journalists and their contact details are ready for you. This way, you can be sure not to miss any important media that can reach your target audience. Of course, with Presscloud, you can also have press lists compiled

Approach media

Some media outlets offer the possibility to submit press releases directly via their website. For example, has the 'Industry Wire' where press releases are published after approval by the editorial team. Just a little tip from us! You're lucky as a reader of this blog. Make sure, however, that your press release is flawless and persuasive so that it stands out and requires little extra work for the editorial team.

Contact journalists

Although you can approach journalists via social media, they prefer to receive press releases in their mailbox. Start your email from Presscloud with a short introduction summarizing the key points. Journalists receive many press releases daily, so you want to stand out. Don’t forget to include relevant visual material, as it makes your release more attractive and easier to publish.

Be accessible

After sending out your press release, it's important to be accessible for any questions from journalists. If you can't respond quickly, you risk your release not being published by the relevant media. That would be a shame after all the effort you’ve put in!

By following these steps, you increase the chances that your press release gets the attention it deserves and that your company gets the media coverage it needs. Presscloud is ready to support you at every step of this process so that your PR strategy becomes a success. Still have many questions? Email us at or schedule a demo.

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Sebastiaan Smits

Head of Marketing at Orderchamp

"The PR software from Presscloud is easy to use and the PR tips are handy. Thanks to Presscloud, you have control over the success of your PR campaigns."
Thijs Janssen

Co-founder of Barqo

"Just one hour after we sent out the message via Presscloud, we were already called by Editie NL!"
Antoine Steenkamer

CEO of

"Presscloud taught me how to write a good press release. The tips and tricks from Presscloud really helped me to get the attention of the public!"

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