A checklist: is this news?

Often overlooked, but PR is playing an increasingly significant role in the marketing mix. But how do you create news? This checklist will help you get started.

| Presscloud editorial

How do you ensure that you are seen as an authority in the market and found more often by other companies? By getting the media to write about your organization. This (free) editorial attention not only makes you more known but also more credible. PR can help strengthen your thought leadership position and position you as a leading knowledge partner in your sector. However, for many companies, forming a PR strategy, starting with determining what news is, is a challenge. This checklist offers a solution.

A checklist: is this news?

The challenge is to research which themes are interesting for journalists and at the same time align with your organization. Journalists have different interests than you, so you can't sway them with a story about how great your organization is. However, you can captivate them with distinctive news facts, knowledge, or insights. In this blog we already shared five ways to create news. See that as a great lead-in, and with this checklist, you can hit it home.

1. Does it deviate from the ordinary?

News is often the unusual. It is sometimes said that if you read the newspapers faithfully, you know exactly what isn't happening in the world. News is exciting and 'shareable'. A fire, murder, attack, breakthrough, revolution, or Dutch success abroad is not commonplace and therefore news. A company like Sparkling People that lets its employees work in Bali is news because it is unusual.

2. Is it non-commercial?

Journalists want to inform their readers about what is happening in the world. Not about how good your company, colleagues, or solutions are. A story is only newsworthy if it is non-commercial. Marketers who try to sell commercial content as editorial content are referred to the advertising department. You may have an underlying commercial thought, but the press release should never be written that way. Fortunately, the Presscloud AI Generator™ knows exactly what can and cannot be done.

3. Does it address a problem?

Negative stories often do better than positive ones. Problems are more urgent and newsworthy. Scandals provoke more emotions and are shared more often. A stunt to draw attention to safety glasses earns attention if it turns out that vision problems are becoming more urgent, for example, during New Year's Eve and all the incidents that (unfortunately) accompany it. The rest of the year, you don't hear about it because it doesn't pose a problem then.

4. Does it impact the Netherlands or a specific industry?

News is urgent if it has an impact. If a company discovers that SMEs are incurring too many costs importing and exporting products, that is urgent for the backbone of our economy. The question "So what?" helps in determining the impact.

5. Would people click on this?

Journalists and companies both seek the attention of the public. Content that appeals to emotions and needs, rather than just being informative, is often shared. Ask yourself the question: would people click on this? The press release '24/7 Chocolate: Opening the First Chocolate Vending Machine in The Hague' by De Bonte Koe, one of our users, is a great example of this. A vending machine for chocolate instead of hot snacks? Open 24/7? That is something people want to read.

6. Does it play into current events or the spirit of the times?

News often relates to other news. By playing into prevailing sentiments, the spirit of the times, or current events, you can create news. This is called 'newsjacking', like using existing news facts (for example, Jumbo with its European Championship campaign) to promote your own content.

Finally: follow the news

We hope this checklist helps you determine if you have news on your hands. Read trade magazines or newspapers to get inspired. If you find similar news in media relevant to you, chances are you have news. Past achievements are indeed a predictor of future success. Not entirely sure if your press release is newsworthy? Schedule a free demo and get guided!

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