Press Releases

Extended version of your press release

It is difficult to send large files (such as good photos and videos) via mail. Do you want to share your campaign images with the press? Then you cannot do without your own newsroom. Easily place all your high-res photos and videos here. Also place an extended profile of your company and share previous press releases. That way every journalist can find all the information about your company that is needed for a nice publication.

Press Kit

Add audiovisual content

A journalist likes to use your content. Do you want articles about your brand to appear? Then make sure there is enough content available. Add all your logos, atmosphere photos and other corporate style elements. This increases the chances of publication.


All your previous articles in one place

Do you want to help an editor? Then place previous publications in the newsroom. By showing what other journalists have written about your brand, you show that there is a story in your brand.

Blog, Events & About Us

Your business, your story

On a special "About Us" page you can tell the founding story, your vision and other information. Introduce your team to the world and give journalists a peek in the kitchen. Keep a blog and add events.

Small & large businesses trust Presscloud

Whether you are a sole proprietor, startup, or the communications advisor of a 3000+ employee company, Presscloud has the right solution for your communication needs.

Press Releases Sent


via Presscloud





A small selection from the Newsroom features.

Media Kit


High-res photos and videos available for the press.



Get all the insights you need to take action right away.



Automatically add new publications using Media Monitoring.

Blog & Events


Keep your Newsroom up-to-date with blogs and events.

Are you ready? Create an account for free

Manage your media relationships and get in the Media with Presscloud today.

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Equip Journalists with Everything They Need in Your Custom Presscloud Newsroom

Presscloud Newsroom: The Comprehensive Hub for Journalist Resources

Consolidate all your media assets into one central, easily accessible location with Presscloud's Newsroom feature. Designed to empower journalists with comprehensive tools and information, this feature allows for seamless sharing of high-resolution campaign images, videos, and extended company profiles. Say goodbye to email size limitations and hello to a rich repository of audiovisual content, from logos to brand photos, enhancing your publication potential. Furthermore, by showcasing previous articles, you provide valuable context and demonstrate existing media interest in your brand, encouraging new stories. An "About Us" section reveals your company's journey and vision, introducing your team and giving a personal touch to your narrative. Keep the media updated with a dedicated blog and events page. With Presscloud, you're not just distributing press releases; you're offering a complete narrative experience that journalists and editors will appreciate. Sign up with Google and elevate your PR game with an all-encompassing newsroom that’s recognized by leading business platforms like Entrepreneur and Emerce.