An interview with: our director

An exclusive: in this blog, we ask a few questions to the director of Presscloud, Timon Hendriks. As a new PR100 member, he was in an excellent mood.

| Presscloud editorial

An exclusive: in this blog, we ask a few questions to the director of Presscloud, Timon Hendriks. As a new PR100 member, he was in an excellent mood.

1. What do you like most about the company?

One of the coolest things about Presscloud is its positioning. Although we have existed for over 4 years, we still move like a sort of new-kid-on-the-block. We can therefore act quite freely in our overall operations, marketing, and other communications. This is in contrast to many other companies, where there are more guidelines and the communication strategy is much more defined. We have a kind of free play in this - of course taking into account the wishes of our users.

Additionally, the small scale of Presscloud ensures that we can act quickly, instead of every decision having to go through 100 departments. An idea that comes up in the morning can be implemented by the afternoon. I love that decisiveness. 

2. You originally didn't come from the PR world. Why did you choose this industry anyway?

Good question! I indeed have a marketing background, so that step wasn't too crazy. Of course, with the caveat that marketing and PR are substantially different things: 'paid media vs earned media' was one of the main pillars in my retraining. 

I think that is where my interest lies: earning media attention. Even if you are a small company or have a limited budget, if you have a great story, you deserve to be in the news. And make no mistake: many companies have a great story! Often they just don't know it themselves, or such a story ends up in the archives of their social media page. Through PR and specifically Presscloud, they can communicate this widely. The many success stories I have seen in my relatively short period confirm this idea. 

3. Being a director at 28 can be quite intense. What in your role gives you the most energy?

What gives me the most energy is being in contact with all kinds of entrepreneurs, from big to small. As I just said: everyone has a great story, and if I can help them tell their story through Presscloud, it makes me happy! 

You might label this as operational work, while I am the director of the company. I believe that you must first set a good example yourself so that others can do it later. The word "director" originally means "a guide" (that's right, editor's note). That being said, strategy and setting the big lines are, of course, also important. 

4. Where do you see the most opportunities for Presscloud?

That every company that creates an account becomes a paying user! Haha, no. Watching, watching, and not buying is deeply rooted in us Dutch, so they should keep doing that. Where do I really think the most opportunities lie? In offering an even more extensive database of journalists and other media. The press releases written with our AI generator can be great, but ultimately, it's about the publications. You reach them with the best possible database of journalists. We need to (continue to) focus on that.

I also saw many opportunities for a new homepage on our website. And it has arrived! Next Monday we will communicate extensively about it. So keep an eye on your email, LinkedIn, and our website!

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