How to Create a Press List

| Presscloud editorial

A good press list is essential to reach the media and claim a thought leadership position. These three tips will help you create an effective press list.

It Starts with a Target Audience

Before you can reach out to a journalist or relevant media, it’s important to define your target audience. Although you want to sell your product or service to everyone, it’s smart to first focus on a specific target audience. This makes it easier to create a plan to reach this audience. However, defining your target audience is not as simple as it seems.

Tip 1: You Are Not Your Target Audience

We often think that our target audience reads the same media as we do. If you have a startup in the event sector, you probably follow media about startups and events. But your target audience – event professionals – will probably not follow media about startups. They will only focus on events. In other words, your target audience is not your peers, but your (potential) customers.

Tip 2: Choose the Right Categories

In many systems, such as, you can scroll through different categories to create a press list. By choosing the relevant industries, you can easily create a targeted press list. Note: Not every medium in your target audience is relevant. Some media focus on the consumer side of an industry, while other media focus on the business market.

Practical Example: Fleet and Mobility is a business medium that writes about cars, while Autoweek focuses on consumers. Therefore, carefully select which media are relevant to your brand or campaign.

Tip 3: Put Yourself in Your Target Audience’s Shoes

Ask professionals in your network which media they find relevant. This will help you discover media outside your own ‘bubble’. It will also point you to unexpected media. Such a target audience survey is also an opportunity to discover which topics your target audience finds relevant. Regularly question and interview your (potential) customers.

In Conclusion

The above tips will help you create an effective press list. Also, try using Google News as a source for your press list. Search Google News for topics related to your business to discover which media write about them. With a good press list, you can strategically approach the right media and strengthen your PR strategy.

At Presscloud, we are ready to help you develop and execute an effective PR strategy. With our tools and expertise, you can easily create a press list and maximize your media exposure. Start today and discover the power of a well-thought-out press list!

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